
This is a email notification that clients hosting with NonStopWeb will be moving servers to a new and better server. Prices all remain the same for all clients but there may be some downtime. We will try and keep this down as much as possible. So the change will take place any day between Sunday early hours of the morning and may last till Monday morning. You will need to backup any emails (IMAP) onto your local computer or using a email backup software. If you are using outlook just move your important emails to another email account by dragging them from their current email account to the one you have for any backups. New emails will be created with a new password for all clients. We do apologise for any inconvenience cause but rest assured you will have a much better server. You may see 2 invoices due but nothing to worry about, this is just a set up process for the new server.

You may require to change nameservers. You may email us your domain registrar information to nash@nonstopweb.co.uk or you may change them yourself. Please do let us know before you change as we require to backup your website before changing them. 

You may find a new registrar and if you need help on moving do let me know and I can advise your best option.

Videos on backing up emails please visit:


If you have any questions please do let us know by contacting Nash on 0786 466 0040


Sâmbătă, Noiembrie 10, 2018

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